我們的信仰 Statement of Faith

1. 只有一神,是一位無限完全的神,永恆的存在於三位一體的形式中: 聖父、聖子、聖靈。
There is but One God, of infinite power and everlasting. In the unity of The Godhead, there are Three Persons; The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
2. 耶穌基督是真神又是一位真人,祂是藉童貞女馬利亞因聖靈感孕而生,祂死在十字架上,義的代替了不義,成了代罪的祭司,凡信祂的,就因祂所流出的寶血,罪得赦免而成為義。祂照聖經所說從死裏復活,現今坐在至高者的右邊作我們的大祭司,祂還要來建立祂公義和平的國度。
Jesus Christ is a true man and true God. He was born of Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. He was crucified and died to be a sacrifice, righteousness for unrighteousness. Anyone who believes in Him is forgiven of all sins and becomes righteous because of His precious Blood. He was resurrected as prophesied in the Bible. He is now our High Priest, sitting at the right side of the Almighty God. He will come again to establish a Kingdom of righteousness and peace.
3. 聖靈是有位格的,是被遣派居住在相信的人心中,指引他們,教導他們,給他們能力、工作、生活活出基督樣式。
The Holy Spirit is of one substance, sent to dwell in the hearts of believers, guiding, teaching and empowering them to live like Christ in their daily walk of life.
4. 新舊約聖經,是一本接受神的感動而寫出來的書,絕無錯誤,完完全全的將祂救恩的旨意啟示出來,它是構成神聖及基督徒信仰和實際生活的唯一規條、唯一標準。
The Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, was inspired by God and is free of error. It completely reveals His salvation plan and is the only guide to sanctification, Christian faith and life.
5. 人原本是照著神的形像造的,由於他的不順服,以致使他的肉體及靈魂陷入死亡。凡人生來就有罪性,與神的生命隔絕,唯有藉著主耶穌基督贖罪的工才能被拯救。那些無悔意,不相信主的人將受永遠的刑罰;而那些相信的人就能享受永遠的生命。
Man was created in the image of God. Man’s body and soul fell into death because of his disobedience. Thus, man is born with a sinful nature and separated from God. Only through Jesus Christ’s redemption can man be saved. Those who do not repent and believed in the Lord will receive eternal damnation. Those who believe in the Lord will have eternal life.
6. 藉著主耶穌基督,救恩完成是為著一切的人,那些悔改又相信祂的人是從聖靈生的,接受永遠生命,成為神的兒女。
Through Jesus Christ, salvation was perfected for everyone. But only those who repent and believe in Him are born of the Holy Spirit; they will have eternal life and be God’s children.
7. 神的旨意乃是每一個信祂的人,應該被聖靈充滿及完全被分別為聖,與這世界及罪惡隔絕,完全奉獻於神的旨意,藉著接受神的能力,過聖潔的生活及有效的事奉。
God’s Will is to fill all believers with the Holy Spirit, sanctify and deliver them from this world and evil. They should be totally submitted to God’s Will, lead a holy life and effective ministry by God’s Power.
8. 教會是包括所有信主的人,是被耶穌基督的寶血所贖,從聖靈所生的,基督是教會的頭,而教會則是祂的身體,住在世界裡作見證,向萬邦傳福音。
The Church consists of all believers, who are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ and born of The Holy Spirit. Christ is the head of the Church, and Church is the Body of Christ. The Church should witness to the world and evangelize all the nations.
9. 將來,那些義的及不義的人,他們的身體都要復活,在義的人,是永生復活,而那些不義的人,復活後再受審判。
The bodies of both the righteous and unrighteous will be resurrected. The righteous will be raised from the dead to eternal life, while the unrighteous to eternal damnation.